How to improve the waste segregation system?​

Sagot :


- improving the process of effective waste segregation,

- recovery from waste of secondary raw materials that may be recycled and produce new products on their basis,

- ecologically safe removal and neutralization of harmful, toxic waste,

- environmental protection and reclamation of a devastated environment, eg in garbage dumps, mine waste dumps and industrial waste dumps,

- biological treatment of water, including rivers, lakes and reduction of garbage and waste discharged into the seas and oceans,

- development of renewable energy sources and energy based on safe incineration of waste that will not be subject to secondary recycling,

- production of biocompost from food waste for use in the process of soil fertilization,

- application of technological advances, auto-tinting and robotization of the waste segregation process,

- etc.

I believe that it is necessary to apply appropriate waste management techniques due to the need to develop a new green economy, ie to implement the principles of sustainable development. It is necessary to minimize and limit the negative effects of climate change, generated by the progressive greenhouse effect of the Earth, which is rapidly accelerating global warming.
