5. What is the English word for the Hebrew "qadosh”?
a. Righteous
b. Holy
d. Compassionate

6. What uniquely intimate name was used by Jesus doe God which in Aramaic means
a Abbot
b. Abba
c. Rabbi
d. Talitha

7. What event was it when Jesus' appearance became radiantly transformed?
@ Transformation
b. Transfiguration
c. Transubstantiation
d. Transaction

8. Which symbol traditionally refers to the presence of God?
a. Cloud
b. Moon
d. Soil
9. How did God the Father address Jesus during the transfiguration?
a. My Son
b. My Beloved
c. My Lord d.
My Beloved Son

10. Which of the places below is closest by location to Cana?
a. Bethlehem
b. Emmaus
c. Judea