Who were shadrach,meshach,and abednego? ​

Sagot :

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are featured in the book of Daniel in the Old Testament of the Bible. They’re friends of Daniel. They’re known for their strong faith in the Lord.

They disobeyed the king by not bowing down to the golden image of their king. The king told them if they didn’t bow down, they’ll be thrown into the fire of the furnace.
The three friends told the king that they’ll NEVER bow down to the statue and they said that their Lord is stronger and mightier than the fire and that the Lord will save them.
The king was furious and ordered that they’ll be thrown into the furnace (The fire is seven times hotter than the required temperature). The king saw 4 men standing in the fire unharmed. Since they believed that they will be saved by God, they came out of the fire without any sign of them and their clothes burned.
I hope this helped!