a. and b. or c. but a 2. c. but d 3. a. and c. but a. and b. or c. but C. So Identify the best conjunction to be used in each item. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each number. a 1. I tried to hit the nail hit my thumb instead. d. for I have two goldfish a cat. a. and b. or d. for I'd like a bike commuting to work. b. or d. for b 4. You can have peach ice cream a brownie sundae. d. for C 5. Neither the black dress the gray one looks right on me. a. yet b. nor d. for À 6. My dad always worked hard we could afford the things we wanted. a. yet b. nor d. for I try very hard in school - I am not receiving good grades. a. yet b. nor d. for d 8. My brother loves animals. He just brought a puppy a kitten home with him. b. or c. yet d. and 9. I'd like to thank you the lovely gift. a. or b. for I want to go for a hike I have to go to work today. b. yet c. or d. for Incwan the follow C. So C 7. C. So b a. but c. and d. yet a 10. a. but Vi *ANSWER* 1.a 2.a 3.d 4.b 5.c 6.d 7.c 8.d 9.b 10.a