1. Canned fruits and other juicy items must be well __________ before being added or they will dilute the gelatin and weaken it.
A.drained B.strained C.mixed D .separated
2. Some fruit discolor when cut and should be dipped into an _______ such as tart fruit juice
A. juice B.water C.acids D vinegar
3. Cooked ingredients must be thoroughly __________ before being mixed with mayonnaise and the completed salad mixture must be kept chilled at all times. *
A.mixed and chilled B.drained and chilled C.chilled D.drained
4. Neat, accurate cutting of ingredients is important because the shapes of the vegetables add to ____________. *
A.eye appeal B.good color C.its flavor D.good appeal
5. . Cooked vegetables should have a firm, _________ texture and good color. *