materials to be used therein. TRUE OR FALSE. Write ESTIMATION if the stamen is true and CALCULATION if it is otherwise. Write your answer on the answer sheet. 1. Cost estimation requires a thorough knowledge of the construction procedures and cost of materials & labour in addition to the skill, experience, foresight and good judgement. 2. Estimation refers to scientific way of working out and preparing an approximate computation of the probable cost of a piece of work prepared by a person before doing a project. 3. Bill of materials is an element necessary to perform a work task in relation to job app icants 4. List of materials needed that are itemized to complete a job is called program of work 5. Poor planning is the major cause of project failure that leads to personal bankruptcy 6. Constructions of aquaculture facilities involve many procedures and activities, with specific requirements depending on the type of aquaculture facility 7. In implementing a project, program of work will be the basis before doing a work 8. To compute the labor cost, daily labor requirements plus duration multiplied by rate/day 9. Total cost will be computed, quantity divided by unit cost 10. Grant total is the summation of all total cost.