II. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
11.It is the arrangement of line, color, and texture with the purpose of achieving order and beauty.
a. Design
b. Drawing
c. Embroidery
d. Fabric
12.It is the Law of Unity with variety.
a. Balance
b. Harmony c. Proportion d. Rhythm
13.Pertains to the relationship in size between a part and the whole.
a. Balance
b. Emphasis c. Proportion d. Texture
14. Refers to the surface appearance which is either rough or smooth, dull or glossy, thick or thin.
a. Texture
d. Emphasis
15. These are the colors formed by mixing the primary colors.
c. Primary Colors
b.Secondary Colors
d. Tertiary Colors
16.The color in between three spaces in color wheel.
a. Double Complementary c. Complementay
b.Split Complementary
d. Triad
17.Below are the examples of Principle of Design, except:
a. Harmony b. Proportion
c. Balance
d. Color
18.Which among the following infers repetition of line, shape and size?
a. Proportion b. harmony
c. balance
d. rhythm
19.It is Which of the following principles refers to as the center of interest of the design?
Proportion b. Rhythm
c. Emphasis d. Harmony
20.Use to keep the fabric stretched while embroidery stitches are applied on the design.
a. Tracing Paper
c. Bag
d. Hoop
21.It is considered as the easiest stitch for outlining.
a. Cross Stitch
b. Running Stitch c. Back Stitch
d. Looped Stitch
22.A fabric that included most tightly woven fabric with a relatively smooth surface like linen, wool,
and cotton.
a Basket weave b Common-weave c. Cross-weave d. Even-weave
23.A type of fabric that is is commonly used by beginners and ramie linen that supplies guidelines for
cross stitch and smocking having an evenly spaced pattern like gingham cloth and polka dots.
a.Basket weave b Common-weave c. Cross-weave d. Even-weave
24.Embroidery is an English word derived from the old French embroiders meaning
a. art and design b. border and design c. edge and border
d. top and bottom
25. It is the most often used to outline a design.
a. Cross Stitch b. Running Stitch c. Back Stitch
d. Looped Stitch​