ct answer.
1. What does the Greek word "mamma" mean?
a. breast
C. milk
b. hair
d. mother
2. Which of the following animals is an amphibian?
a. chicken
C. frog
b. dog
3. Which of the following are the characteristics of mammal?
a. They have a scaly skin.
C. The have feathers and can fly.
b. They have mammary glands. d. They live in water and can swim freely.
d. goose
4. Which of the following birds have strong, sharp claws and beak for catching other animals?
a. Birds of prey
C. Perching birds
b. Flightless birds
d. Water birds
5. Which of the following animals is NOT a reptile?
a. lizard
C. snake
b. salamander
d. turtle
6. Which statement is NOT true about cartilaginous fishes?
a. They are mostly found in warm, tropical seas.
b. They have a skeleton made of cartilage instead of bone.
C. Some examples are sharks and rays.