formulate 1 product that can help save the environment.​

Sagot :


Biodegradable / Disposable Waste Bag. ...

Reusable Sandwich Wraps. ...

Recycled Plastic Rugs. ...

Fair Trade Organic Towels. ...

Ballpoint Pens Made From Recycled Water Bottles.


Home Items is the biggest section in this list, because there are many ways to reduce the environmental pollution that stems from your home.

To say plastic pollution is a widespread problem is not doing it justice:

Only about 9% of all plastic ever made has likely been recycled with 12% of all plastic waste having been incinerated. The remaining 79% has accumulated in either landfill or the natural environment if not still in use.

One million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals die each year from plastic pollution in our oceans.

In one study by the U.S. Centres for Disease Control, nearly 93 percent of people tested positive for BPA (a potentially harmful chemical present in plastic products).

Think the problem is too big for you to make an impact?