Activity 1: Fact Checker
Identify the following if it's a fact or myth & misconception about
drugs of abuse. Write Yes if it's a fact and No if otherwise.
1. Drug abuse improves memory.
2. Treatment for drug addiction should be a one-shot deal.
3. Drug abuse does not help in the digestion of food.
4. Drugs make the body lose heat faster than normal.
5. Drug abuse makes a person bold and brave.
6. Different people have different drug abuse-related problems. And
they respond very differently to similar forms of treatment, even
when they're abusing the same drug.
7. Drug addiction is voluntary behavior.
8. Dysphoria is the high sensation of feeling good and extremely re-
9. Declining interest in studies and work, negative outlook in life are
some of the signs and symptoms of drug use.
10.Drug abuse removes life's problems and worries.​