have you experience any problem coomunicating with another nationalities?​

Sagot :

yes, because sometimes you can’t understand what they’re talking or saying about but if you’re fluent at speaking in any languages you won’t have a problem communicating with them.

It is inevitable to experience communication problems with other nationalities (culture). This is true for the reason that majority of the respondents encountered certain problems dealing with this. Here are those problems they have deal with:

Firstly, even though both the communicators are English speakers but the skill on it of the person they are conversing with is poor, he/she cannot comprehend well whatever is being talked about or worst both communicators have poor skill on it. Additional to this is that, it is difficult to understand the message said if the speed of talking is so fast, comprehending the topic of conversion will be blurry. Next is the accent or pronunciation, and the words being used by the other person is foreign to your hearing and new to your knowledge, they cannot respond accordingly to the conversation. Overlapping or mixing of languages used as means in the communication gave rise to confusion and lead to not understanding anything. Moreover, gestures and behaviors of other people cannot be understood at times though it is not offensive because it is not practiced in your home country. The reactions they gave on certain things are not understood due to their own traditions. For instance, killing insects like ant or cockroach, they would say “don’t kill it may be one of our ancestors.”). And being new to an area create challenges in dealing with expression of self and communication because of the differences. Tensions may arise but can be readily solved by them. On the other hand, on some, they did not experience any problem/s on intercultural communication. According to them, all people communicate in a global language, (English which everyone could speak and understand, that is why they can easily communicate. Based on experience, they are exposed to a variety of cultures since they are young, that means they are used to it and more comfortable to communicate with people in this set up.