? What is It Authentic text is any text that is written and published for the public. It refers to texts which provide real-life examples of language used in everyday situations. An example of an authentic text is editorial text. An editorial text is an article that expresses the editor's opinions about a current issue. It can be read or found in the newspaper and magazine. There are four steps on how to read an editorial text. Step 1 Know the meaning of unfamiliar words. Highlight or copy the words that you are not familiar with. Know their meanings and re-read the paragraph/s where they are found. What is the meaning of the word pandemic in paragraph 1? You need to unlock and define the words that are not known to you. Use the dictionary to find out the meaning, pronunciation, and usage of the words. Step 2 Read for the message of the text. After reading the editorial, what is the message of the writer that he/she wants to convey to the readers? What do you think is the solution to the problem? Step 3 Determine the writer's opinion. What is the purpose of the writer? Was the opinion of the writer persuading or convincing to the readers? Step 4 Express your own reaction about the writer's opinion. Commented [DMAZ]: State here also whera editorial text car be found or read. What is your own viewpoint about the editorial? Do you agree with the title of the editorial text? Usually, an editorial text has a caricature. A caricature is a description or imitation that symbolically pictures the writer's opinions about an issue. It uses certain striking characteristics that are exaggerated to create a comic or grotesque effect. Commented [DMA3]: Insert: Usually.