Directions: Form a group with a maximum of three members. (Individual and by pair are also allowed). Choose one topic below and write an editorial essay explaining its social, political and cultural context of the problem faced by the Filipinos at the present time. The student must be able to explain how the social sciences disciplines, namely Sociology, Anthropology and Political Science can help understand the issue.
Topics to choose from: Teenage pregnancies Mobile games addiction Lack of access to education Gender discrimination Access to Healthcare Political activism Bullying/Cyberbullying Unemployment rate Corruption Sexual abuse and assault The power of social media Cultural diversity in the PH Face to face classes Violent activism Mental health
Use the following guide questions in writing the editorial essay: 1. What is the issue/problem you have chosen? 2. What is the nature of the issue/problem and why should this be discussed? Can you cite statistics or give relevant data about the nature of the issue?
3. Can you explain the social context of the issue? How can Sociology help understand and address the issue?
4. Can you explain the cultural context of the issue? How can Anthropology help understand and address the issue?
5. Can you explain the political context of the issue? How can Political Science help understand and address the issue?
6. Based from your analysis, how can the social sciences help explain and/or address the issue?
7. At the end of the editorial, discuss your conclusion or recommendations.
8. Format must be Times New Roman, Font size 12, Justified alignment, double spacing, indention in every first line of the paragraph. Content must be minimum of two-three pages and maximum of five pages.