Read the selections then answer the questions that follow.
1. Bill and Jessica are almost done taking turns to choose the players for their teams. It was Jessica's turn to choose and Kurt was the only person left. Jessica called Kurt's name. We can infer that?
A. Kurt is not a very good player.
B. Kurt is on Bill's team.
C. Jessica was inconsiderate of Kurt's feelings.
D. Bill, Jessica, Kurt and the other players are playing basketball.
2. "Larry, as your boss, I must say it has been very interesting working with you," Ms. Valdez said. "However, it seems that our company's needs and your performance style are not well matched. What is Ms. Valdez telling Larry?
A. She would feel bad if Larry quit.
B. Larry is being fired.
C. Larry is getting a raise .
D. She really enjoyed working with him.
3. Jim spends most of his time staring at the cement walls. He wishes he would have done things differently. Jim hates the meals he is served. He also hates having to wear the required uniform. Where is Jim most likely at?
A. Construction site
B. School
C. Jail
D. The passage does not provide enough information to know.
4. Help Wanted: Young person to work at Cardinal's ballpark. Some sales experience helpful, but not necessary. Uniform provided. Apply at concession stand at the corner of Broadway and 2nd Ave. The person who takes this job will probably be?
A. A Major League Baseball player
B. An Usher
C. A ticket Salesman
D. A Hot dog Vendor
5. When a poem's speaker describes beautiful flowers, bright sunshine and a happy childhood, you might conclude that he or she?
A. Spends a lot of time outside
B. Has a positive outlook on life
C. Writes poems a lot
D. Is unhappy most of the time
6. Sally sat down at the dinner table. Her plate was piled high with her mother's home cooking. Sally took very small bites and pushed the food around her plate. Her parents asked how her day was and made small talk. Sally wished her dog, Bubba, wasn't outside. What can you infer?
A. Sally isn't hungry.
B. Sally doesn't like what her mother made for dinner.
C. Sally's mother's cooking is awful.
D. All of the above.
7. Jill hands were trembling and sweat ran down her back. Her face was red and she could feel her ears turning pink, too. Jill grabbed her speech and walked on stage. She smiled at the audience. What can you infer?
A. Jill has to give a speech.
B. Jill is nervous.
C. Jill is prepared.
D. All of the above.
8. Jesse slowly made his way into the classroom. He sat in the back row and put his head down. Mr. Miser announced that today they were playing a trivia game and the winning students would receive extra credit. What can you infer?
A. Jesse enjoys Mr. Misers' class.
B. Mr. Miser teaches math.
C. Jesse does not like Mr. Misers' class.
D. Mr. Miser is Jesse's favorite teacher.
I hope whoever answers has the correct answers please and thank you :)