test ii. directions: improve the in-text citations below. write them on a separate sheet of paper. 1. the push for success, the desire to get ahead, the need to gain power or influence -- these are all-consuming and thus become lord of our lives said (sala, 2009).
2. scazzero said, "relying on the approval of others for our sense of self-worth is a direct contradiction of biblical truth (2010).
3. the two types of struggling readers most often encountered in secondary schools are resistive readers and word callers. (cris tovani, 2000)
4. cris explained that resistive readers can read but choose not to. (tovani, 2000)
5. according to tovani, "(2000) word callers can decode the words but don't understand or remember what they've read..
6. yudowitch, henry, and guthrie emphasized that (2008) once students develop the ability to read the words on the page, it is critical that teachers not turn them off to reading by using texts beyond their capabilities.
7. No one finds life worth living- he has to make it worth living. (Anonymous, 2008) 8. John Bunyan said (1981) "But is it not a good heart that has good thoughts, and is not that a good life that is according to God's commandments?" (Pilgrim's Progress)
9. Efficient and effective learning does not necessarily depend on the amount of time devoted to study. (E.S. Leung-Yao, 2005)
10. Leung-Yao expressed, "Intensive reading involves reading more than one book on a particular subject and comparing the contents discussed. (2005)