Match the column A to column B. Write the letter before the number.

1.Number of chromosomes in humans in each cell
2.It consists of sex chromosomes
3. It is the number of times your heartbeats in a minute or (BPM)
4. Movement of blood through the tissues of the heart
5. It carry deoxygenated blood to the heart 6.The actual site where gases and nutrients are exchanged
7.Accepting the blood from the lungs
8. Moving blood to the lungs
9. Accepting blood from the body
10. It considered as the somatic chromosomes a. Veins
b. Capillaries
c. Coronary circulation
d. Left atrium
e. Right atrium
f. Right ventricle
g. Heart rate
h. 46 chromosomes
i. 23rd pairs
J. 22 pairs
k. 44 chromosomes​