Direction: write the letter that corresponds to the meaning of each word as used in the given sentence
Set 1: baloney a. a foolish or deceptive talk b. it comes from the sandwich meat called bologna which is typically made leftover scraps of meal
____ 1. I ate a pie garnished with bits of baloney ____ 2. What he said was all baloney
Set 2: master a. a man who has people working for him, especially servants or slaves b. having a showing very great skill or proficiency
____ 3. His master was an old man who values human life ____ 4. He is a master of written words
Set 3: dressing a. to put on one's clothes b. the sterile pads or compress applied to wound to promote healing c. the sauce of salads, typically consisting of oil and vinegar mixed with herbs and other flavorings d. the fertilizing substance
____ 5. Sandra prefers vinaigrette dressing for her morning bowl of lettuce ____ 6. she called out her mom's name while dressing to ensure that she would not leave her ____ 7. the dressing must be replaced twice a day so the infection won't go worse ____ 8. dressing is needed to ensure healthy plant growth