] will (10) E A b. (-3 + 10) 1. 18 + 2. -40 + 3.(10 + 3) + 6 = 10 + 4. -15 + -5 (7) = 15+ (-50) -35 = -35 5. 6. -2 (5+ 8) = 7. 30 (______) = 30 8. [(4)(6)] 2 = 4 [ 9. 15* 10. (12)(-4)= determine the property applied. Learning Task 2. Complete the following to make true statements. Then, = -15 E + 0 = 42 = 0 -5 (-3) + -5 Adding first =6+18 = 0 12 before distributing the factor to each addend will give the same result. + (-16) Learning Task 3 Identify the property being used in each situation then express the statement in mathematical form