Modified True or False. Write true if the statement is true. If the statement is false, change the underlined term to make the statement true. Write your answer in the provided space before the number.
1. Inertia is the tendency of an object to stay at rest or in motion.
2. Balanced forces are needed to move a pencil across a desk.
3. A chair will move by itself because of its inertia.
4. Newton's first law of motion explains how inertia affects moving objects.
5. In a car accident, a passenger not wearing a seat belt may crash through a windshield because of his inertia.
6. A balanced force does not change the velocity of an object.
7. An object will remain at rest unless a balanced force acts upon it.
8. In baseball, inertia makes it easy for a baseball player to make sharp turns at the bases.
Skills Challenge. Read the simple experiment below. In the provided space, write your explanation.
If you spin a raw egg then stop it, the raw egg starts spinning again. What is going on? Why does it keeps spinning?