GREJIRAHGO GREJIRAHGO English Answered Write CG if the sentence has a correct subject-verb agreement. If not, rewrite the sentence and follow the correct subject-verb agreement. 1. I has a copy of their first album. 2. The coaches instruct their players to focus on the game. 3. Marine biologists have appealed to the citizens to take care of marine entities. 4. The author promote her new book on her social networking sites. 5. Armi and I could have done it sooner. 6. She should contemplates more on her decisions. 7. Aubrey might has the time to draw tomorrow. 8. You presents the project on Monday. 9. You shall not pass. 10. My nephews and nieces are excited to watch the next superhero movie. 11. You was kind and important. 12. The ladies are going shopping. 13. She drink her medicine. 14. Trudis will finds the thrift shop. 15. Tim should have brought an umbrella. PA HELP PO AKOO NOW NAAA