B. Decoder. Directions: Find the lowest term of the following fractions to answer the hidden message below. Choose the letter of your answer on column B. Write the letter of your answer before the number and inside the box below. "According to Greek mythology, who was the first woman on earth?" Column A Column B 14 91 1 2 20 35 100 46 6 Start 1.1 26 HE -IN 10 2 12 97 IN 3 2 C. Begin at the start. Complete the maze by following the path of the correct answers until you reach the exit. Draw arrows to show the path you track. 5 15 4 3 5 IK 3 995 24 X Nie 20 5 16 3 15 www A. Y. NIN O in * 24 8 23 Nim N|M 1 KH 20 3 4 2 12 4 455 Florence De Jesus Alfonso-Caratihan 21-21-1021-315 215 Tio LE 314 4 Exit Ⓒ