Materials Needed: 1. Procedure: Make a hole at the center of the cover and at the bottom of the plastic container. 2. 1 clear plastic container with cover 1 rubber band 1 pc 3-cm round barbecue sticks 1 pc barbecue stick with sharp part cut masking tape 3. hole Figure 7. A plastic container with holes Insert the rubber hand into the hole at the bottom of the container. Insert in between the rubber band the 3-cm barbecue stick. Tape the barbecue stick to koop it in place. 9 Figure 8 Steps in inserting the 3-cm barbecue stick T hole T Insert the other end of the rubber band into the hole in the cover. Insert a bead or a washer to the rubber band before inserting the long barbecue stick. 다 masking tape Figure 9. Stepe in inserting the bead and the long barbecue stick
Questions: 1.What happens to the toy? 2.What kind of energy is 'stored in rubber band? 3.What kind of energy is rolling toy have? 4.What transformation of energy happens in a rolling toy?