Learning Task No. 4: Based on your gathered data in LT #3, analyze your re- sults. Write a paragraph to show the results of your simple investigative study. Researchable Hypoth- Varia- bles esis Problem Sample: Are more peo- ple infected with Covid 19 under General Community Quarantine Community Quarantine (MECQ)? (GCQ) or Modi- under fied Enhanced GCQ than MECQ? My answer: Identified Prob- lem in LT No. 1: Hypothe- Depend- 200 cases of sis No.1. ent Vari-infected peo- able: ple are under GCQ in Area A. More people are in- fected with Covid 19 Inde- Hypothe- sis No.2. Less peo- ple are infected with Covid 19 under GCQ than MECQ? More or less peo- ple are infected Data gath- Results and ered Discussion GCQ and MECQ 150 cases of infected peo- ple are under pendent MECQ in Variable: Area A. Con- stant Variable: Specific area un- der MECQ and GCQ under study. No reported cases for clude that un- der GCQ, more people are in- fected with Covid 19. It was found out I therefore con- that there are more cases of infected people with Covid 19 in Area A with 200 cases under GCQ. There were about 50 cases less for people infected with Covid 19 in Area A under MECQ. Conclusion three days under GCQ but with sev- eral cases under MECQ.​

Learning Task No 4 Based On Your Gathered Data In LT 3 Analyze Your Re Sults Write A Paragraph To Show The Results Of Your Simple Investigative Study Researchab class=