What I Have Learned You have learned that Alfred Lothar Wegener's curiosity drives him to look for evidence that supports his Continental Drift Theory that continents were once connected as a big landmass called "Pangaea." The Continental Drift Theory is being supported by the following evidence: continental fit matching of rocks, fossils of ancient organisms, coal deposits in Antarctica, ancient climates, and glaciers carvings. Despite Wegener's gathered evidence supporting his idea about drifting continents during his time, the scientific community rejected him for some problems: Wegener was not a geophysicist, he estimated the speed of continental motion, 250 cm/year, was unbelievably high, and he cannot explain what causes the continents to move. Nevertheless, Alfred Wegener didn't give up and continued his expedition to search for more evidence but later on died. It took many years before his Theory of Continental Drift was accepted. What causes the continents to move to? What can other missing indications be used to support such a claim? Let's find out in the next theory! Let us see if you have understood the essence of the first enrichment activity. Please answer the assessment below.