DIRECTION: Answer the activity below with honesty and accuracy. Write your answers legibly. Activity: HOW MUCH AND WHAT'S THE COST? Instructions: Complete the table below by writing all the school supplies that you use. Indicate the quantity and the cost of each. School Supply Quantity Cost Formulate linear equations in two variables based from the table. Then use some pairs of these equations to form different systems of equations. Draw the graph of each system of linear equations. Use the rubric provided to rate your work. Your output will be assessed using the rubric below. RUBRIC 5 points Systematically listed in the table the data, properly formulated linear equations in two variables that form a system of equations, and accurately drawn the graph of each system of linear equations. 4 points Systematically listed in the table the data, properly formulated linear equations in two variables that form a system of equations but unable to draw the graph accurately. 3 points 華語版