NG PAMAHALAAN NAGBIBILI PERFORMANCE TASK 1: NEWTON'S OLYMPICS 1 1. 2. 3. a. Make a written plan for Newton's Olympics at Home. Think of two (2) games that you may play at home with your family members. For each game, write the following: A catchy fille b. Short description of the game. 2-3 sentences that describe the game and its objectives. c. Game mechanics. Composed of the rules and procedures that will guide the players. d. Newton's Law of Motion Applied. Identify what law of motion is related to the game and explain how the law is applied. Use the table below. Newton's law of Motion Applie 4. Mechanics of the Game Short Description Title of the Game GAME 1 GAME 2 PERFORMANCE TASK 2: NEWTON'S OLYMPICS 2 Two (2) pictures of your family while playing GAME 1. PERFORMANCE TASK 3: NEWTON'S OLYMPICS 3 Two (2) pictures of your family while playing GAME 2.​