ANALEAHLOPEZ17GO ANALEAHLOPEZ17GO Health Answered Directions: Based from the given word/statement. Identify what environmental issues it prevents or manages before each number.____________________ 1. Use sealable containers rather than plastic wrap.____________________ 2. Avoid burning leaves, trash, and other materials.____________________ 3. Do not dispose of household chemicals or cleaning agents down the sink ortoilet.____________________ 4. Turn off electronic devices when not in us____________________ 5. Do not dispose these chemicals, motor oil, or other automotive fluids into thesanitary sewer or storm sewer systems____________________ 6. Drive less using a bike or walking Avoid using gas-powered lawn andgarden equipment.____________________ 7. Keep solid wastes solid. Make a compost pile from vegetable scraps____________________ 8. Do not pour fat from cooking or any other type of fat, oil, or greasedown the sink. Buy products with less packaging.____________________ 9. Avoid using gas-powered lawn and garden equipment.____________________ 10. Buy products with less packaging____________________________