Activity 5: Generalization Directions: Sequence the statements according to the procedure of the given farm/fishery equipment. Write the numbers on the blank with 1 representing first statement and then 2,3 and so on. A. Starting the engine of water pump. Press the engine switch to "ON" position. Turn the engine's fuel valve lever to the "ON" position. Turn the choke lever. Place the pump on a level surface. As the engine warms up return the choke lever to its original position and set the throttle lever in the desired position-move it right to increase engine speed and left to decrease engine speed. Move the throttle lever slightly to the right. Pull slowly on the starter cord until it engages, then pull hard.​

Activity 5 Generalization Directions Sequence The Statements According To The Procedure Of The Given Farmfishery Equipment Write The Numbers On The Blank With 1 class=

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