Part 1: Identification Direction: Read each statement below and choose the correct answer inside the box. Used answer sheet in answering Hypothesis Observation Scientific Method Experiment Conclusion Control Group 1. This is used to test the effect of one factor to another and comparing the differing condition that result to it 2. is a continuous process used to collect observations, form and test hypothesis, make predictions, and identify patterns and the physical word 3. Is an educated guess, a tentative answer to a problem based on preliminary data 4. An information that is known by using the senses 5. Refers to the group/part of the experiment without the variable being tester 6-10 Tell ether the given statement is an observation or an inference 6. The cloud is clear 7. there are fruits in the basket 8. They are rich because they wear plenty of jewelry 9. Jenny's eyes are red because she has sore eyes 10. The boy is sad because his father went away.