he Bence ACTIVITY 7: Components of DNA Molecule OBJECTIVES: • Identify the components of a DNA molecule (SOLT 10-29.4.5) Construct a model of a DNA molecule WHAT I NEED MATERIALS) • Crayons • Tape or Glue Scissors • Cutouts of the basic subunits of DNA WHAT TO DO (PROCEDURE) Color and cut out all of the units needed to make the nucleotides from the handout provided on the next page. Here is the color code: phosphate brown) guanine igreeni adenine yellow) deoxyribose (black) thomine olur cytosine (red) Note Ya Dan is assign your chosen color for each sub unit 1. Using the small squares and stars as guides, line up the bases, phosphates, and sugar. Then, glue the appropriate parts together to form a nucleotide 2. Construct a DNA model using the following sequence to form a row top to bottom: Thymine-Adenine-Cytosine-Ouanine-Adenine-Cytosine. Let this arrangement represent the half of your DNA molecule 3. Complete the right side of the ladder by adding the complementary bases. You will have to turn them down to fit 4. Once you are done doing the DNA paper model, use it in answering the Guide Questions