А Learning Task 4: Arrange the following steps chronologically. Write A for the fin step, B for second and so on. Write your answer on your activity notebook. Gift Bags 1. For handles, attach a length of ribbon from one side of the bag to the oth or use two smaller handles, one at the front of the bag and one at the back 2. Remove the support box. Stand the bag upright and fold about 1 inch of open end into the bag, giving a nice, neat finish to the top. 3. Fold the paper over about 1 inch along the length. Using a box the size of bag you're making, place the box in the center of the wrap, and bring two long sides of the paper together, taping them to one another. Be s you secure these loosely enough so that the box can be easily removed. 3. Tape one end of the package closed as you would if wrapping a gift box. not tape the paper to the box at any point. 4. Start with a sheet of paper about twice as large as the bag you want to ma PIVOT 4A CALAB 23