directions :Circle the transitional expressions in the selections that follow. the number in parentheses tells you how many signal words to look for in each case. also, write in the margin besides each signal whether it shows emphasis, addition, comparison, comparison, contrast, illustration or cause-and-effect
1.Many of the restless and dissatisfied sons and daughters of these middle, upper-middle and upper-class homes had never known poverty. consequently, they could not understand their parent's emphasis, upon money, status and work. parents, on the other hand, could not understand how some of their children could be indifferent, even hostile, to such practical things as formal education and preparation for work. (2 signal words)
2.the greatest value of play technique is in the study of personality. children often cannot or will not explain them selves in the first person. however, they may reveal much of their inner lives in play. the child who will not tellabout his or her own fears and conflicts may readily project these fellings into dolls. fellings of rejection, insecurity, ambivalent in play as a result, the play technique, when properly handle, offers opportunity for understanding the chid that are otherwise difficult to create. (3 signal words) is used to cause chemical changes. example, a chemical change occurs in the elctroplaning of metals when electrical energy is passed through a salt in which the metal is submerged. A chemical change also occurs when radiant energy from the sun is utilized by plants in the process of photosynthesis. moreover, as we say a chemical change occurs when heat causes mercuric oxide to decompose. chemical changes are often used to produce energy rather than new substances. the heat or thrust generated during the combustion of fuels is more important than the products formed. (5 signal words)