ALEYAHPEREIRA112GO ALEYAHPEREIRA112GO Science Answered 1. Which of the following mixture can be separated using decantation method?a. sugar and milkb. water in oilc. mixed nutsd. vegetable salad with dressing2. Yoyr mother asked you to cook dried fish for lunch and you accidentally mixed the oil with water. What method will you use to separate the mixture?a. recantation methodb. magnetismc. evàporationd. filtering3. Which one of the following techniques would best be used to separate soil and water?a. filtrationb. distillàtionc. decantingd. chromatogràphy4. This method is a technique used in sepàràting a less dense substance from a denser one?a. it will evaporateb. it will float upc. remain the samed. it will become solid