Choone and write the letter of the best answer on the blank after each number, A 1. Identify the action verb(s) in the following sentence Michael always reads a book while taking the bus to work a reads taking work da and b Identify the action verb(s) in the phrase "My dogs cry and scream for attention a ory battention scream da and e 3 Identity the subject in this sentence "The children talked to each other all night instead of sleeping early a children each other o talked a. staying 4. Which team scored the highest points in the Santa Rosa City Maat? Which is an adjective a descriptive d demonstrative e possessive d. interrogative 5. The old man asked the pretty girl for food Old and pretty are adjectives a descriptive b demonstrative possessive di interrogative be That building is stronger than this hut What kind of adjectives are that and this? a Interrogative b demonstrative a possessive di numerals 7. Anna reads her book before watching her favorite show. What is the possessive adjective used this sentenca? a show b her e o Annad, book . For# 8.12, complete the sentences using the coordinating conjunctions and, but, or, for, nor and so Write your answers on the blank Woo 8. He was very tired after a long working day he washed all the dishes in the kitchen have 9. He got up very late. He could neither have something to eat something to drink the teacher will give you 10. Either you finish the English project on time a falling grade 11. Most shampoos contain chemicals in them I prefer using aloe vera for my hair​

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