ACTIVITY: Underline once the verb in the if clause, and twice for the verb in the main clause. Then distinguish whether the sentence is stated in second conditional or third conditional.

1. "If I could turn back and if I could find a way, I would take those words that have hurt you and you'd stay."

2. "If you had my love and I gave you all my trust, would you comfort me?

3. "What would you do if my heart was torn in two, more than words to show you feel that your love for me is real?

4. "And I don't need nobody else. If I was you, I'd wannna be me too." (I would want to be)

5. "Never would have hitch hiked to Birmingham. If it hadn't been for love. Never would have caught the train to Louisiana. If it hadn't been for love. Never would have run through the blinding rain. Without one dollar to my name. If it hadn't been. If it hadn't been for love."​