CITY LIFE By dsjabonita "City life is millions of people being lonesome together." -Henry David Thoreau
What's in the city? Well, there are breath-taking landscapes of skyscrapers, frustrating traffic congestions, belching smokes and loud honking from a fleet of cars and scurrying army of people on the pavements. These sighis would uemendously suresó you. Why do a lot of people will in live in the city to make their dreams come true? Very often, they connect success to being able to work in the city. Is there really life in the city? I could barely sleep amidst its noise more so, the disgusting smoke and smog hat pollute the air and hamper my health, Every morning when I commute from home to school, a herd of commuters await the highways. The flock of "early birds” are lucky to catch a bus. Meanwhile, to the battalion of late risers, the wide grin of the taxi driver will certainly taunt them to open the door of his cab. To ride or not to ride: that is the question. City life is not for the phlegmatic. It is not for the weak. You will be drowned in its gigantic series of waves of competition. The people here thrive in the toxicity and hypocrisy of the driven city life. The city houses a mob of lonely people out there who silently and tearfully gaze at the constellation of stars every night. In this archipelago of islands, it is a reality that a number of Filipinos quietly endure this numbing solitude.
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