Whichis NOTtrueabouttheimportanceofenvironment?
E. We depend on the environment for energy and inaterials needed to sustain life
G. We need safe, healthy and supportive environments for good health.
F. The environment where we live is a major determinant of our health & wellbeing.
H. Role of environinents doesn't show any relevance in chronic acute health disorder
Part I. Directions: Fill in the blanks to make the following statements correct. Choose y
box below.
Mental health benefits
Sound economy
Healthy environment
Built environment
Quality of the environment
Crucial to physical health of individual
Directly impacts human health
unbalanced nature
1. Our environment needs to keep healthy because it
2. The
is a powerful determinant of human health.
3. Safe workplace, well-maintained homes, and sanitary water works system are some
deterininants of a
4. Exposure to natural environments is associated with
5. A healthy environment provides link to​