1. Determine if the statements below refer to participatory democracy, direct democracy, or representative democracy. Write PD if the statement refers to participatory: DD if it refers to direct democracy: and RD-if it refers to representative democracy. Write your answer on the space provided before each number. 1. There is much discussion involved in addressing the problem and everyone who wants to join can contribute to the discussion. 2. Election of members of the Senate or House of Representatives. 3. Decisions and solutions are agreed upon and made by all members without resorting to a vote. 4. Condominium owners vote on the new sports club or condominium regulations. 5. Election of members of Parliament. 6. Members of a cooperative resolving an issue related to the organization, 7. People have several choices when electing officials. 8. Most common model democracy followed by governments. 9. People decide in an assembly or forum of citizens, without conducting an election or using representatives 10. Exercise of referendum.​