ACTIVITY 3: HOW MUCH POWER? Directions: You are going to compute your electrical energy consumption in a month given the identified appliances with their power ratings and number of hours used. (Assuming that all the given appliances are used daily.) The first one is done. (15 pts)
Appliances Power No. of Electrical Energy Energy Cost Rating Hours Consumption (KWH) P11.00 per kwH (watts) Used 1 Kw = 1000 W KWH x P 11.00 (H)
Ex. Laptop 50 3 50w 1000w =0.05KW 0.15 KwHXP 11.00 0.05Kw x 3H=.15KWH = P 1.65
TV 45 3
Electric Fan 65 8
Refrigerator 85 24
Flat Iron 1000 .08
Bulbs (3) 50
Cell Phone 4 3 Chargers (2) lon
Total Daily Energy Consumption
Total Monthly Energy Consumption
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