A. Given below are some characteristics of comets, meteors and asteroids. On the space provided, write E if it refers to both meteors and A if it refers to comets asteroids B. if it refers to meteors F if it refers to both asteroids and с if it refers to asteroids comets D if it refers to both G if it refers to all (comets, meteors comets and meteors and asteroid) Characteristics: 1. Progress across the sky very slowly 2. Remnants of the formation of the solar system 3. Reflect sunlight 11. Known as falling stars or shooting stars 12. They glow us they enter earth's atmosphere 13. Soreak across the sky ve -4. Rocky composition 5. Orbit the sun in highly elliptical orbits 6. Minor planets 7. Mostly found between Mars and Jupiter 14 Come 19 al sizes and shapes 15. Icy objects 16. Meteor showers 17. Tail always point away from the sun 18. Travel in a variety of orbits 19. Known as falling stars or shooting stars 8. Can reach 150 million km in length 9. Most have slightly elliptical orbits 10. Result from the collision of asteroids