Plate words. (1) Has a great infuence on the weather of continental mensen. A large portion or the solar energy reaching the sea surface is expended in the process of () These water evaporated from the sea/ocean te carried up into the atmosphere and condenses, forming clouds from which all forms of precipitation result. Sometimes, intense cyclonie circulations occur which is what we call the Tropical cyclones are warm-core (1) associated with a spiral inflow of mans at the bottom level and spiral outflow at the top level. They alwaya form over oceans where sea surface temperatures, also (5) are greater than (0). The air accumulates large amounts of underlying heat as it spirals towards the center It receives this heat from the sea and the exchange can occur rapidly, because of the large amount of spray thrown into the air by the wind. The energy of the tropical cyclone is thus derived from the massive liberation of the underlying heat of condensation. Tropical cyclone is defined as a non frontal, synoptic-scale cyclone developing over tropical and subtropical waters at any level and having a definitely organized circulation. In other parts of the world, these are referred to as hurricanes, typhoons or simply tropical cyclones depending on the region. In the North Atlantic, Eastern North Pacific and South Pacific Ocean, they are called (7). In the bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and Western South Indian Ocean, the name is the Eastern part of the Southern Indian Ocean, it is "willy-willy", and in the Western North Pacific Ocean, they are called (9) (10) is prone to tropical cyclones due to its geographical locati which generally produce heavy casualties to human life and destructions to cre and properties Source: http://bagong